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This is a word game for fun! Don’t worry if you don’t know the answer.

This is not a word game to memorize words, it's a word game to improve your sense of English. A sense of English means knowing how simple English words are put together to explain situations and things. Enjoy experiencing how simple words are used to explain difficult things.
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Studying textbooks is one way but this is hotcocoa’s fun way to improve your score by getting more used to English!

プレイボタンの画像 width="20" Click the play button to start.
Show me the text!  After a word quiz, this button appears on the right page, and if you click it, the text appears.
Hide the text!  After the text appears, this button appears at the top right. If you click it, the text disappears.
プレイボタンの画像 width="20" This play button appears after the quiz on the bottom right. If you want to hear the quiz again, click it.
スタートに戻るボタンの画像 width="20" This button also appears after the quiz. If you click it, the quiz starts from the beginning.

For 1680 yen per month (tax included)
  • You get a new set of "Fun Qs for Chatting" every week.
  • You also get five new vocabulary classes every month.
  • You get six new "How-do-you-say-in-English" questions every week.
  • You enjoy over 40 "Living Picture Dictionary" cards and "What's it called in English?" questions 24-7: anytime you like, anywhere you are.
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